BE BOLD: 24 Mar - 22 Apr 2022
In her art, Sara Abramson wants to convey self-love, sisterhood, boundaries and change. She paints powerful women who also dare to expose their feelings and their vulnerability. Sara has been painting since she was a child, yet she also has a long and successful career in business behind her. During that time her creativity progressed in parallel. Then, a little while ago, everything got too much and became overwhelming. She needed a change in direction and so she started to paint again as part of her healing. As well as being an acknowledged contemporary artist, Sara is also a trained business coach and often expresses her experiences and achievements in her imagery. Sara works with acrylic and spray paint . “First I create a chaos on the canvas with intuitive colours, and then I layer and mix to form my message and motif. In this exhibition at N°H° H°use, you will get to know some of Sara’s ‘sisters’ and also see some of her abstract work.